Thursday, November 03, 2005


Another great night under the lights at the National Equestrian Center.

Ann was there with Basco
Jojo brought Gunner
Mark and Jeanette made good progress with Cesear and Nancy

Aron seems to be completely over any lameness and was crazy excited to be out and about. He only got me once with the ball in my hand... I really have to work on being quicker, the last scars are only just healing.. We worked on concentration, fast sits and downs out of play, and the basic position with a couple steps of heel.

Madison demonstrated her focus on the food and we began to correct ( minor jerks on fursaver she is so soft) looking away or slow action. She knows the excercises but is out of the habit of working quickly when there isnt a hotdog in my hand. The light bulb went off and she was rewarded at the end of the session, still cleaning up the drool.

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