Saturday, July 15, 2006


Saturday was interesting up at Port Royal School. There was a great turnout with Ann brining Basco, Jojo had both Gunner and Nero, Kirista brought her Dobe, William had both Kiara and Errol, Mark and Jeanette brought Cesaer and Nancy, Charles stopped by and Jermaine was there with Capone and his rottie bitch.

It was a hot day so I kept the session with Aron short. He is starting to become more and more sensitive to me, although it doesnt seem to be affecting his work with the helper, in fact he seems mostly impervious to helper pressure. I am not particularly strong with him but apparently I have to walk a fine line of the level of correction required when he is in drive and not in position or whatever, and not hurting that bond that is so strong at this time.

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