Sunday, March 18, 2007


Ran tracks at Southside this morning. Ann tracked Basco, and Kay tracked Loki and Aaron tracked Uzi.

Aron ran a clean 300yd track. I find it a little tricky to correct any mistakes or casting he might do from 16' back but I guess I gotta figure it out so I can move the competition length (33' leash).

Basco has improved tremendously with the 2 lines, Ann holding the long l ine on the fursaver and with me working the short line on the prong collar. He had moments of brilliance and we didnt allow any weaving, casting or avoidance. The only thing to keep aware of is the leaping to the article for safety from 5-6' out. I am hopefull that this will correct itself somewhat as he catches on and becomes less stressed on the track.

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