Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Tracking and protection

Ann and I met for Tracking at Southside this morning.

As both dogs were blowing past the corners last week I took a couple steps back and worked on slowing a bit, emphasising the track itself over the end and all sorts of corners.

I worked Aron on three relatively short tracks, 100-120yds each. He got his meals worth of food in the footsteps and there were approx 10 corners on each track, from sweeping curves to 135deg sharp corners. I played with him in between tracks to break the stress. He was good. I think that the multiple shorter tracks help as you get the repetition without having to wait a week between.

Madison ran a single track that Ann laid for me. She managed some moments of brilliance but there were also sections where she looked almost lost.

We then jumped back in the truck and drove to Happy Valley Park for Protection work. Jojo brought Nitro, Roger had Diablo, Ann came along with Basco, Smiler worked both his chocolate puppy and the big Red.

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