Thursday, February 02, 2006


Ann brought Basco out and it was a great Thursday night at the NEC under the lights.

Horses had been jump schooling during the day so some of their equipment was still set in the main paddock. A nice little fence was quickly rearranged into a wide oxer (24" high 30" wide)

Aron was wound up, what a blast to work. I made him site 15' in front of the jump, then I walked over it and faced him, called him into me and into a sit in front. This progressed to having him sit while I walked over the jump, placed the tug on the ground, walked back to his side and after a few seconds gave the hup, apport commands The drive buildup from the slow movement and staring throught the tug had him starting to whine a bit as his drive just built and built. We finished when he came back super fast and sat calmly with the tug, so I fought with him for a sec and let him carry it back to the crate. The second trip out was basically repeat of the last excercise, with the addition of a retrieve on the flat, using a 3' section of 4" wood jump rail. He was a bit wild but had a blast and completed the movements at high speed.

Madison followed suit. She has always been a jumping fool. She of course knows the excercise and did it perfectly, particularly when the food bits were close at hand.

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